Multiple Weapons

Combined Handgun, Shotgun, and Rifle

This class will focus on the safe, proper handling and use of Handguns, Shotguns and Rifles. Each weapons system will be taught individually with students having the opportunity to handle and shoot a large variety of firearms within each class. You are encouraged to bring your own firearms, but additional firearms will be provided by Sandpoint Arms:

Handguns: Semi-automatic (double action, double action only, single action), Double Action Revolvers & Single Action Revolvers

Shotguns: Pump Action, Semi-automatic and break action

Rifles: Semi-automatic, Bolt Action, Lever Action

In addition to learning each weapons system individually, we will teach using multiple weapons systems at a time:

Shotgun & Handgun

Rifle & Handgun

How to use the systems together and transitioning back and forth between long guns and handguns.

NOTE: If you are bringing your own handguns and long guns, proper slings and holsters must be used.

This is a two day course.



Please fill out the following form with any inquires about our Multiple Weapons Courses or call us at 208-550-8440:

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