These classes are for those people wanting to satisfy training requirements to apply for a License to Carry a Concealed Weapon in the state of Idaho and are held in Sandpoint Idaho in Bonner county.
A number of the classes we teach at Sandpoint Arms satisfy the training requirements needed to obtain an Idaho Concealed Weapon Permit. Any of our NRA Basic Pistol or Personal Protection classes meet the requirements. All of our advanced Defensive Pistol classes also meet the requirements as well.
We also offer two classes specifically created for people wanting an Idaho Concealed Weapon Permit:
Idaho Concealed Weapon Permit Basic Class: This is a classroom only (no range time/live fire) class that covers rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition choices; and basic shooting fundamentals.
Price 75.00
Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapon Permit Class: This 8 hour class includes both classroom and range time/live fire. The class covers the basic concepts of the safe and responsible use of handguns; self-defense principles; defensive ammunition choices; basic defensive shooting fundamentals; concealed pistol presentation; concealment methods; defensive shooting techniques; use of cover and concealment; and Idaho law relating to firearms and the use of deadly force. We will shoot a course of fire of 100 rounds. This class exceeds all requirements and is accepted by the state of Idaho for the Enhanced Concealed Weapons permit. The Idaho enhanced permit is accepted in 37 states including Washington.
Price $125.00
Please fill out the following form or call us at 208-550-8440 to inquire about a Concealed Weapons Permit class:
[contactform email=”” subject=”ID CCW Course Inquiry” success=”Your message has been sent. An instructor will contact you within one business day.”]
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